Verivox is a comparison portal that helps customer to save time & money.

Whether it’s electricity or gas, cell phones, car insurance, or installment loans you can compare rates on Verivox. Decide on a new rate and they take care of the switch for you.

First, let me explain what a „Post Sign up process“ is. It’s a form with several steps where you have to fill in specific information about your life circumstances so the system can determine the possible interest rate for you. This is the process that starts after you have done the following steps at

  1. You decided to get a result for all possible loans on the 1st result list
  2. You finished the Pre Sign Up Process
  3. You decided on a specific loan on the 2nd result list
  4. And now: you start the Post Sign Up Process


  • User Experience (UX) Designer
  • Interaction (IxD) Designer
  • User Interface (UI) Designer
  • Information Architect


  • User journey maps & flows
  • High-fidelity mockups and prototypes
  • Design system UI components
  • Epic creation
  • Dev support


  • Sketch
  • Miro
  • InVision
  • Confluence & Jira


The sign-up process needed to be optimized, as over the years more and more banks with different sign up’s were added to the database. The existing workflow and backend were too complex to keep up with the number of new banks/sign-up options which were added and are about to be added in the future.


  • Overwhelming workflow
  • Outdated layout
  • Several banks with different sign-up processes
  • No recognized customer service
  • No clear step process


  • Optimizing the workflow as far as possible with backend restrictions
  • Updating the layout with adaptable components
  • Generating an internal wording and data structure to be able to add easily more banks in the future (Jira)
  • Improving the visibility of the step process and customer service.

Comparison old vs new user experience

Old User Experience
New User Experience


The new approach was tested with several users during the process of development and feedback was implemented until the design freeze. The conversation rate was monitored after the new user experience was launched.

Important: this approach not only improved the User experience but also reduced the maintenance effort for the backend.

Follow up project

Out of this project, the need for the rework of the stepper component appeared. Find out more here (Link will follow soon) about the approach and its result of it.